“The Light shines in the darkness…

…and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Ignite the Fight.

Be part of the answer that inspires men to Fight for the light of Christ in the battle for purity of heart.

Give to Fight Club Catholic by donating to its fiscal sponsor Xavier Mission Fund, (Tax I.D. Number 87-3431369).

Checks can be written to “Xavier Mission Fund” with “Fight Club Catholic” in the memo and be mailed to:

Xavier Mission Fund

6732 W Coal Mine Ave, Ste. 733

Littleton, CO 80123

Other Ways to Give

Donate appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds. This method of support is easy and tax-effective.


Donate part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plan.

Retirement Plans

Leave a bequest for Fight Club Catholic in your will or living trust.

Wills and Trust

A popular way to give is through your established Donor Advised Fund (DAF).

Donor Advised Funds

For any questions on giving a gift, feel free to contact our team at fight@fightclubcatholic.com